Ch. Dumas (redactie)
Abraham (1753-1826) and Jacob (1756-1815) van Strij are renowned for their attractive paintings of panoramic landscapes and Dutch living rooms. As many other 18th century painters, the Van Strij brothers chose to paint typically Dutch genres. Abraham specialized in painting portraits and interiors, while Jacob concentrated on landscapes. Both of them took the 17th century masters as an example.Jacob’s grand, sunny landscapes are pervaded with the spirit of Aelbert Cuyp’s work.Abraham’s still interiors are reminiscent of those by Pieter de Hooch.This lavishly illustrated book with contributions by various art historians offers new insights in these brothers’ art. For the first time, attention has been paid to the stylistic development of their drawings. Furthermore, the relation with predecessors such as the aforementioned Aelbert Cuyp and Pieter de Hooch will be explored. Finally, a never before published sketchbook of Abraham’s from a private collection will be discussed.This book will enrich the knowledge about the Van Strij brothers and put things in a new light.
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